Best English teacher ever, was struggling in my mocks getting 4s and 5s and results day SCREAMING that I got 9s in language and literature. Only a month until GCSE I joined her online classes and her advice is priceless
Barbara is an outstanding, talented tutor. Her weekly GCSE masterclasses have literally been a godsend. In just four lessons, my daughter's writing has substantially improved, and she has substantially
I rarely leave a review unless it is justified and that's what First Rate Tutors deserve. We first of all thank God for how far He has brought this children; we give Him all the glory! First Rate Tutors and in particular, Barby
My stepdaughter swears by Barbara as the reason she smashed her GCSE English mocks - not just her direct experience with first rate tutors but also all the content and resources Barbara puts together in such a
I stumbled across Barbara's account on YouTube a few months ago, and having liked her style I signed up for her weekly GCSE English Language Master class. Having fund language harder than literature, I
My daughter has had private and group online English lessons with Barbara to prepare for GCSE English language and literature and has benefited hugely. Barbara is the most amazing inspirational teacher; she is highly
Really helpful videos and lots of live videos providing a thorough explanation which is easy to understand. I really recommend as it helped me immensely with my English GCSE and filled me with much more
Barbara has been the greatest English teacher I have ever had and has provided me with support, knowledge, and confidence for my A-Level English language exams. In just nine months, Barbara taught me how to
Unbelievable! Can't be happier!!! Today my son got his GCSE results and he got 6 in both English Literature and Language. When he started with Barbara he was at 2 as I have mentioned in my previous review. In
Barbara should be recognized as a national treasure. Her YouTube channel is a shining example of high-quality educational content that truly makes a difference. Thanks to her incredible teaching, my child